The connection between Farmers Mutual Hail and Climate FieldView™ is seamless, secure, and allows you to report acreage or production data in just a few simple clicks. To connect, access your FMH Policyholder Center account, follow the steps to connect your FieldView™ account, and send your data to your agent at planting and harvest.
Farmers Mutual Hail only uses the data required for acreage or production reporting: crop, plant date, and area data for acreage; wet-weight, moisture, harvest date, and area data for production. Once your data has been exported into the FMH system, your agent will match the data with your policy to generate acreage or production reports to sign – no need to fill out pages of paperwork or have multiple appointments.
You can simplify required federal reporting processes by using your Climate FieldView™ data for FMH crop insurance. The seamless connection saves time, paperwork, and money while increasing efficiencies within your operation. Plus, you can rest assured knowing you are backed by over 125 years of crop insurance expertise, service, and financial strength with America’s Crop Insurance Company, Farmers Mutual Hail.