
FARMserver ® is a web-based suite of precision farming tools designed to help farmers succeed. FARMserver offers several easy-to-use features for all farm sizes including management zone creation, custom prescription, seed selection, ROI calculator, and analytic reports to quickly identify best practices on your farm. FARMserver has a full support team to ensure customer success and is also 100% free to all Beck’s Hybrids customers.

What data is shared?

Connecting your FieldView account to FARMserver ® will automatically sync every night. You will be able to see all your data layers created in FieldView from as-planted to as-applied, to Harvest all in your FARMserver account. FARMserver does not share data back with FieldView.

What is the value?

Having all your data in one location is essential in today’s world. The connection between FieldView and FARMserver ® is seamless and effortless. Take advantage of all the in-cab tools brought to you by FieldView along with all the innovative insight tools within FARMserver to make the best decisions on your farm.